If you know me you know that I like bright colors. My room is decorated in bright colors and I love wearing bright colors. I have my share of black, brown, navy and neutral colored clothes, but bright colors make me happy. One of my favorite clothing items is my bright pink poofy vest. I even wrote a poem about it on a previous blog.

We heard about Chile, and noticed last time we were there, that they did not wear very bright colored clothing. Lots of blacks and browns and neutrals. This concerned me. On one hand I want to fit in as much as possible and not rock the boat too much with my clothing if it was super strange. On the other hand, loving bright colors is just a part of who I am and I don't know if I am willing to give that up. I think it might even be genetic because my brother loves bright yellows and greens and oranges (the manly bright colors).

So, on this trip us girls made a point to check out what women wore. This was not just because I want to wear bright colors but to see what styles they had, how fancy the were and even how much makeup they wore. The Chilean culture is a little more formal than US culture, especially young people in the US because we are very casual.

What did we discover? Well, pretty much what we expected, with a few little surprises! It was cold while we were there so whatever was underneath most jackets I cant say but most colors were dark and neutral. Looking out over a crowd it just looked like a sea of dark jackets. They were also, as expected, quite formal. There were some people wearing jeans and fleeces, but in general they wore nice pants and most women wore heals. (No thanks)

Despite the sea of dark, there were a few bright surprises and I took pictures of them when I could and would say, "I'm going to be friends with her!" Here are a few I captured!

Can't say I am going to wear a neon green shawl, but more power to her!

Nice orange jacket

Ahh! Yellow pants!

Now these jackets I could totally wear

And this one too- sorry for the blur

So I can't say I would wear all these things but I was just excited to see a few people breaking out of darkness into the brightness! :) An interesting trend we did pick up on was colorful and patterned pants. I have never been much of a bright pants wearer and I could not figure out if they wore bright on top and bottom but I like to balance my bright top with dark bottom. Who knows, maybe I will become a bright pants wearer! Watch out world!!!