I remember as a freshman in college me and my roommate/BFF Lauren would watch the Best Of Friends on VHS (yes, that's right, VHS). Somewhere along the way we began collecting the DVD seasons. We had been Friends fans for a long time. We have memories of watching the finales together in high school and even of running back from Freshman Follies (don't ask if you don't know) practice to make sure we saw the finale of Season 9.
Season 10 occurred our sophomore year and the second half of the season I was studying abroad in Uruguay. My mom taped EVERY EPISODE for me while I was gone so I could watch when I returned. That is how devoted I was (and my mom was) because back then you could not just watch it on the internet or DVR it. You had to VHS tape record it. That is true fanship.
But back to the DVD's. The BFF and I lived together all 4 years of college and we decided to start collecting the seasons together. I would get the odds and she would get the evens. Somewhere along the way I think we got a little off but we had a good little system going. Then came The Great Divorce! I moved to Colorado and BFF moved to Houston. This separated not only us but our DVD's as well.
I did not let the divorce get me down or stop me from continuing my collection. That was 4 years ago and I have finally completed the collection. It took many Christmas', birthdays and gift cards to come this far but my goal was to have them all before moving to Chile and I met that goal with months to spare!
Friends will always be one of my favorite TV shows. I can never watch it too much, especially my favorite episodes. Thanks to everyone who has helped me come so far and reach my goals. Without you my dreams would not have been possible. :)
i remember when i first met your parents at matt's graduation party in the nowlin center at OC and she asked me if i had the ability to tape the friends show becacuse she was taping them all for you!! i dont remember which episode though.