I successfully made my amazing chocolate chip cookies today. It was a huge accomplishment. Everything I do lately feels like a huge accomplishment because everything is harder or at least has a learning curve. I finally got all the ingredients I needed to make them (or so I thought) so today I set out to do it. If you know me, you know I LOVE cookies. I can do cake, I greatly enjoy pies and brownies and pretty much every sweet, but I am a sucker for a good cookie.

To be able to make these cookies here are the tasks I had to accomplish:
1. Finding a baking sheet. They dont really have those so I got a metal baking pan which worked just great.
2. Find measuring cups/spoons. That took what seemed like a thousand stores to find but Sara finally did.
3. Finding chocolate chips. I hear they exist here, sometimes, but never for me. I had my mom send me some and a friend who came from the US brought me some as well as butter flavored crisco. I know there is another way to cook cookies without these delicious sticks but I sure do love them.
4. Testing out the "brown" sugar. It looked like the right color but it was really grainy. I looked on the back and it said the ingredients were sugar and molasses so I got it. I tastes about the same, the consistency is not, but it works!
5. Figuring out my oven. You would think the pictures would help but I is more complicated. I think I understand now.

So it has been a process but I got them done. You see, I love to eat cookies but I really love to bake them and share them with people. It brings me great joy when they are super yummy and someone else can enjoy them too. This is important to me and something I did not want to give up while being here. Well, ladies and gents, it looks like I dont have to.

I did have to substitute baking soda with extra baking powder and was nervous about the results but it was fine. They taste a little different but not bad. Not bad at all. You have no idea how happy this makes me to be able to make yummy cookies in Chile.

Up next: The Meredith's World Famous Chocolate Cookies.