To the few readers I have I am sorry that I have not written much lately. I just have not been in the mood and I have so much going on in my head and my heart it has been way too hard to write down. But I decided I should document what is going on in my life right now.

Tonight is my last night in Colorado. Tomorrow morning I hop in my very full car and begin the long drive back to Texas. That is, if the weather gets better. It has snowed all day but they keep saying it will clear up and be cold but dry tomorrow. Lets hope they are right. It will not be a big deal if I have to stay another day, but I dont want to unpack my car until I get to Abilene. I'm afraid it might not fit again.

It has been a long, emotional week with lots of sad goodbyes, doing things for the last time, hanging out with friends and being excited to be starting something new but nervous about the transition. Sunday was the hardest. I am not a big fan of being the center of attention and having everyone saying how great I am. I know that sounds weird because everyone likes compliments, but it is hard to take a lot of it at once. Thats what Sunday was. And Monday night at my going away dinner. It was a great night though to be with all my friends one more time. I am going to miss them so much.

So tomorrow my life changes. I am going to spend some time in Abilene with my team and then some time in Fort Worth with my BFF and then head home for a few weeks for Christmas. Once I get out of here I think I will be happy but it has been a little hard. Some days I look out and think to myself why am I leaving Colorado? Am I crazy? But I am not. Abilene may not be beautiful but it is full of beautiful people that I love and will eventually get me to where I really want to be. Chile!

One last thing. As a gift my friends gave me a journal and wrote some thoughts in it for me. They all mean a lot but I have to mention one written by Deven that made me laugh. He drew a picture of the different types of chilis and told me not to get them confused. Ha! See images below for an example.


