It's pomegranate season! I ate my first one today (actually only half) and it was wonderful. As soon as I cut into it juice flowed out and almost every little seed/fruit thingy was juicy and delicious! I have been looking forward to pomegranate season for a while now and was very excited the other day when they came out at our store.
I had my first pomegranate almost a year ago when I moved back to Abilene. It was short course week before school started and I spent a lot of time around the house hanging out with my new roommates. I think it was Shannon and Shannon that introduced me and I loved them!
They are somewhat difficult to eat, and sometimes the seeds shoot out of your fingers across the room but I love them. They are sweet and juicy and have an interesting flavor.
Looking for an image I found out such interesting "facts" on Wikipedia. First, they are super healthy! They are thought to fight heart disease and cancer. Also, they are Biblical!! They are mentioned in Exodus as being a part of the priestly robes and in 1 Kings as being a part of the temple. Apparently, they are thought to be a symbol of righteousness because they have 613 seeds just like there are 613 commandments in the Torah. They are also known as a Christan symbol as well.
Who knew I was eating such a healthy, holy fruit. I just thought it was yummy and interesting to eat! :)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I am sick of thinking about myself, thinking about my personality, my strengths, my weaknesses, how these are going to play out in my life and what I need to work on. It feels like this semester has been a "lets pick Dee apart" semester and it is wearing me out.
The semester began with taking slew of personality and ministry profile tests for grad school. It moved to an entire weekend of going over my DISC profile, sharing about it, comparing it to my teammates and seeing where we were going to fail. After that I had to share my genealogy of my family and explain the ins and outs of us. The this weekend I got to go over my personality and ministry tests from the beginning, having people examine then and explain them to me. Then I just spent time going over them myself, seeing my positives and negatives and setting goals.
All I want to do now is not think about myself ANYMORE!! Before this semester I could have told you where I succeed, where I fail and why but did that matter? Nope! Had to do it all anyways. Most of the things would have been fine on their own but all piled into a couple of months has been exhausting! I feel very self aware and like I need to fix all my flaws today. What's funny is most of these flaws have been apart of me my whole life and I do not see them changing anytime soon. It is good to be aware but I might be a little too aware right now. I am very thankful for these programs I am in and know that they just want to help. It was just bad timing.
Beware if you ask me how I am doing. I might end up vomiting all my personality on you. Nice image huh? :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Each day this week I have done new things I have never done before. I am like Ross on Friends and his New Years resolution...except that none of them have really been with that in mind, they just happened.
Today I voted. I'm 24 and never voted before you are asking. Nope, I have voted before but just not in this way. My first election was for Governor of Texas and I early voted and it was a paper ballot. The presidential election 4 years ago I did absentee because I was in Abilene and I voted in my precinct in Houston. That was before I realized how easy it was to change where you voted. So this year I registered to vote in Abilene. The lines were short and it was electronic w/ a little wheely thing. When did they start that? I thought it was pretty cool except that I did a write in vote so it took a little while to spin out their names. I'm very interested to see who wins. I know the person I voted for sure won't but at least I feel good about it.
Yesterday I got a flu shot. That was a first as well. I probably have not had the flu since Jr. High but last semester my roomie got the flu and I was so nervous and paranoid because I do not have time to be out for a week. And now I live in an even smaller house so I know that soon our immune systems will be down and if anyone of us gets sick I probably would too. So I found the cheapest place in town and went for it. It was super easy and so far the only side effect has been a sore left arm. My mom said she never gets sick from it but Ellen did so I was a little nervous. I pumped myself full of vitamin C yesterday so maybe that helped. So this is a trial run. I am hoping my flu free streak will continue.
Sunday I made a slight fool of myself. Now that is not something new but it was in a new silly way. Luckily only Kelli witnessed it but I thought I would share anyways. KB and I were going for a walk Sunday evening after church. We have become very aware of the cats around our house lately because our cat has been making friends/enemies/becoming the Godfather of them. As we left the house the cat I call white paws was hunched over in the street having a stand off with another cat across the street. I ran at them yelling "black river of death" and they ran off. I call the road the "black river of death" because it is a very dangerous place for little cats and they need to learn.
KB and I walked a little further on, turned the corner to head towards campus and there was another cat in the middle of the road. At first I questioned whether it was a cat or not but then it moved so I was sure. Even more dramatic than the time before I ran at the cat yelling "black river of death," but I should have stuck with my first instinct. It was an empty chip bag. Wow did I feel dumb. KB and I laughed for a long time!
That's all for now. What will I come up with next!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I love Halloween. I know some people think it is a Satan holiday but I think it was originally a Christian holiday that came before today's holiday, All Saints Day. Whatever the case, it is a fun night to spend with friends, dress silly and eat yummy food. That is what we did last night and it was a blast. We all brought Halloween themed food, ate a lot, most of us dressed up, we carved pumpkins, passed out candy, had a sing along, watched impressions, played games, and laughed a lot! It was a great night. Here are some pics that captured the moments.
the chicas workin' hard in the kitchen: ellen (the cat) making brownie bites and me (static) and sara (pink panther) making chilean pumpkin sopapillias
all our yummy food- we put the whipped cream on the brownie bites a little too soon, they melted and some of them fell off
wes (the mormon) wanting to kill reid (the non-costumer that we decided could be jack from lost) and chad (peter pan) watching
making caramel apples
carving pumpkins
us with our pumpkins
the guys like to play fifa...we don't