I am sick of thinking about myself, thinking about my personality, my strengths, my weaknesses, how these are going to play out in my life and what I need to work on. It feels like this semester has been a "lets pick Dee apart" semester and it is wearing me out.

The semester began with taking slew of personality and ministry profile tests for grad school. It moved to an entire weekend of going over my DISC profile, sharing about it, comparing it to my teammates and seeing where we were going to fail. After that I had to share my genealogy of my family and explain the ins and outs of us. The this weekend I got to go over my personality and ministry tests from the beginning, having people examine then and explain them to me. Then I just spent time going over them myself, seeing my positives and negatives and setting goals.

All I want to do now is not think about myself ANYMORE!! Before this semester I could have told you where I succeed, where I fail and why but did that matter? Nope! Had to do it all anyways. Most of the things would have been fine on their own but all piled into a couple of months has been exhausting! I feel very self aware and like I need to fix all my flaws today. What's funny is most of these flaws have been apart of me my whole life and I do not see them changing anytime soon. It is good to be aware but I might be a little too aware right now. I am very thankful for these programs I am in and know that they just want to help. It was just bad timing.

Beware if you ask me how I am doing. I might end up vomiting all my personality on you. Nice image huh? :)