This blog is inspired by the BFF. She wrote about her blessings and encouraged others to do the same. I have been lacking in blogging thoughts lately so this is a good one. Here are my blessings that I am so thankful for and do not deserve!

>I am done with my second semester of grad school and still don't want to quit!
>Amazing roommates who I love to spend time with. I loved our Christmas night together.
>My family is almost completely free of health problems for the first time in a while. Keep my mom in your prayers still though.
>I had a super fun day yesterday celebrating Kaylynn's graduation
>My mission teammates are amazing and I cannot wait for us all to be together again
>Sometimes God provides for needs before I even knew I had them
>Dr. Pepper :)
>I have made friends being in grad school here that I never anticipated and they bless my life so much
>A brother and slaw (my new word for sister-in-law) that are welcoming me into their house for a week
>A slaw who is brave enough to teach me to knitt
>A BFF who wants me to visit her even when she does not have time. Can't wait to see you!
>Time to read books for fun
>The sun is so beautiful and warm today
>A warm snuggly bed to sleep as much as I want in
>A nice place to take walks
>Interesting neighbors
>Friends who listen to my silly rambling and even relate sometimes
>Parents who love me and support me even though I am moving to a crazy foreign country
>Kate-my Subaru
>Texans beating the Titans and actually being a team that I can hope to win sometimes
>Cleaning jobs that are flexible with holiday schedules
>Christmas time= family, fun, joy, Christ, giving, love
>A front porch
>Amazing roommate pictures hanging on our wall thanks to Donald and his amazing talent
>Jess being pregnant
>Visiting friends
>Emails to and from Randi

Whew! I could go on an on but you don't want to read all of that. Think about what you are blessed with!