Yesterday was a lovely relaxing day for me. I slept in and headed out to check out all the shopping around Lauren that exists nowhere in Abilene. The highlight of the afternoon was The Container Store. This store is crazy! It has containers for things that I did not even know needed containers. It is an organizer's heaven. I just wandered around the store for like an hour looking at all the crazy stuff they have. I hate to go negative, but our society sure does know how to make me want something I know I don't need. 

The two coolest items I saw there were these disguised safes to go in your car. For example, there was one that looked exactly like a Dr. Pepper can but surprise! you can open it up and store your valuables in it to make sure no robbers look inside your car and want to steal you stuff. Nope, they just look in and see a Dr. Pepper can. Cool huh? The second item was a bulletin board made out of recycled paper. What was interesting was that you could actually see all the strips of paper that were packed into this board. They where packed in so close that you could tack something to it or slide things between the paper. I guess it is hard to describe. You just have to experience it yourself or check out this website for a picture.

After The Container Store I spent some time at Barnes and Noble. It's obvious I live in a small town when I am excited by wandering around B & N. That night I got to be culture and went to see A Christmas Carol that the BFF was in. The show was great and so was Lauren. It was a beautiful production and even kinda scary. We came home, decorated cookies and called it a night. Sadly I did not take any pictures. Maybe something exciting will happen today to take pictures of. My only plan for today is to make some more cookies, browse Half Price Books, hang out with Lauren and then spend the evening with my Ashers! Cant wait! My Christmas travels continue...