I have been a runner off an on since about 7th grade. I ran for sport, I ran for fun, I ran for exercise, and I ran to race. My peek running time was when I ran in the Houston Half Marathon over 3 years ago. Training was so fun and challenging and the race was a blast. I had runners high and wanted to do it again.

Then I moved to Colorado, got busy and never really adjusted to running the huge hills that were everywhere. Then I tore my ACL and ever since have been hesitant to get back into it. Not that running could tear my ACL again, but knee surgery was not kind to my entire knee.

Since being "fully recovered" I have run a little here and there in a desperate attempt to find some way to exercise. Only recently have I come to enjoy it as much as before, but this is for a different reason. I have, for the first time, found a running partner. I never wanted a partner because I thought it would be hard to work around 2 schedules and that we would never be at the same pace but I have loved it.

Ellen and I have about the same pace and are neither running for a fast time, just to be active and healthy. We talk the whole time we run which makes the time speed by. We encourage each other and between the two of us, we have been pretty consistent for the past few weeks. We are both enjoying it and looking to the future to maybe run in a race. We are up to three miles right now, and actually went a little further the other day. We are praying it stays cool as long as possible because running in Texas heat is tough!!!

I am not sure I am ready to go for a half marathon just yet, but something like a 10k would be great! Know of a good one? I even bought some new running shoes and cannot wait till they arrive. They are the same kind I ran my half in but an updated version. I am hoping new shoes will help this all be easier on my knees.

Aren't they beautiful! I love how clean and pretty new running shoes are!

Well I have procrastinate long enough this morning. It is time to get this paper written to wrap up the school year. Hooray!