After reading the previous blog you may be wondering, "so Dee goes to a meeting every day but what does she do the rest of the day because surely those meetings do not take up all her time, right?" Right! Now whether you were actually wondering, you probably were not but pretend like you were and I will answer your question!

Our team time is very structured but the rest of my life is a little less. I have daily things I attempt to accomplish on my own that I see as important to my training. Things such as Bible study, prayer time, continuing my education through reading, doing whatever fund raising tasks are needed, researching information about moving to and living in Chile, and working on whatever team tasks I am assigned for the week (preparing a devo, cooking a meal, etc.). These activities take up much of my daily time.

One of the books we are reading as a team

The rest of my time is filled with my favorite thing, PEOPLE!!! I try to put myself in as many situations involving people as possible. Many times these people are my teammates. We like to do fun things together like eat, play games, watch movies and playing outside. We also like to join each other in our daily activities such as exercising, grocery shopping, running errands, and cooking. While these are all fun things to do together we also consider them training because they are things that help us continue to deepen our relationships and get to know each other better.

A game our team loves to play

I also love filling my time with the other important people in my life such as church friends, school friends, roommates, neighbors and anyone else that wants to hang out. I am not picky! I try to make myself available to those in need around me so I can help others in whatever ways they might need (providing a ride, being a listening ear, taking food). And I have a handful of relationships that are helpful to me spiritually and that encourage me in my walk with God. I am so blessed!

So as you can see every day looks different than the other and every week takes on its own personality as well, depending on what needs to get done and who is available. When I add it all up I am one busy girl and I am loving what I am getting to do.