I don't care what the calendar says it is officially summer here in A-town. It has felt like summer for a couple of weeks now but since Memorial day has passed, classes have been over for a few weeks and it is STINKIN' HOT outside I declare the Summer of 2010 to have begun.

Life has been a little crazy for my team lately. There has been lots of traveling to see family, attend graduations, celebrate birthdays, finishing jobs, taking classes and present to churches. All of this has been wonderful but I think we are excited to get back into the rhythm of meeting, planning and training. Our new summer schedule began today and I am very excited about it.

For the spring semester, you may remember, our schedule was uneven with lots of meetings falling on one day (Team Tuesdays) but this summer things have evened out a little bit. On Mondays the guys and girls are having separate time to study Scripture together. Tuesday afternoons we have a strategy meeting to discuss discipleship and then a fun night together (more on this to come), on Wednesdays we meet to work on and share more practical aspects of moving to a foreign country (visas, travel, language school, etc.). Thursday afternoons is another strategy meeting to discuss leadership. Friday morning we have our devo time that we love and then Sunday night is our team church. I love it! I love spending time with these amazing people and I love that we are getting back into the swing of things.

Now to the really important issue at hand. What will replace watching LOST as a team on Tuesday nights. This was a serious topic that took many strategy meetings to figure out (haha, just kidding...) but we finally came to a decision that I am quite happy about. Now nothing can ever replace LOST fully but there is a show that a few of us on the team have been enjoying and are excited to share with everyone else.

Have you seen this show? It just finished its second season and it is great! We have started from the beginning and are renting the DVDs from Hastings (only $.99). I know it has not been long since I saw the first season but I have already forgotten a lot so it is fun starting over. The show is about FBI agents who deal with Fringe science cases. It is a little gross at times but so interesting. I love the characters, especially Walter and Astrid, and I love all the strange things they encounter.

So that is what we are up to recently as a team. I have not said it enough but we are so blessed to have the support of the A&M church for this year that has allowed us to spend this time together. I promise that we do not watch TV all the time. :)