I have had a wonderful, fun, silly, encouraging, exciting, JOYFUL week so far and I would like to share a few of the things that made it so. Starting with...

1. I just got finished setting up a new router in our house and do you know what our signal strength is? Excellent! And know what else? It really is there, it's not just pretending! You know what else? I bought it and set it up all by myself!

2. Tonight there were great and funny new episodes of The Office and 30 Rock

3. Last night Kelli and I had leftover soup for dinner and made cornbread as well. I took a bite and knew it was strange. Kelli took a bite and knew it as well. The more bites I took the worse it got. Olivia spit hers out it was so awful. I guess mixing up baking soda and baking powder DOES make a difference. But really, who thought it was a good idea to give two common cooking ingredients such similar names? It was so funny!


5. I got to pray with a lady at the hospital

6. I wrote an email in Spanish and it was readable!

7. I got the hiccups in church after eating the communion bread

8. Class was way better and less scary than I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed myself!

9. I made a scrumptious dinner for my friends.

10. Wed. night church is the best...I don't know the last time I thought church was the best!

11. I got a Christmas gift in the mail. I LOVE late Christmas gifts! Actually, I got a gift certificate to Stash Tea and had no idea what I would spend it all on, but really had no problem. I got some new teas, a new travel mug, a cute tea bag grabber thingy, a tea display case, some Oregon Rain Soap made with real Oregon rain and Stash Tea, and some fun ice tea mix.

12. I started researching language school's in Chile and got into an email conversation with one of them. I even just love the thought of emailing someone in Chile!

13. Did I mention I set up the internet all by myself?

14. Free pizza lunch

15. Steep and Cheap

It has been a great week. Know what I am looking forward to for the next few days? Roommate movie night! Girls day with the teammates going to a fun lunch and hopefully a great movie called New In Town! Church! Hopefully some successful homework time...