I recently discovered Podcasts. I have no idea if I am ahead of or behind the curve but I really enjoy them. I listen to a couple of different ones but I have my favorites. The ones I listen to semi regularly include:

  • The Moth Podcast- this is one is recorded live somewhere in NY and it is where people come and tell stories. They tell stories about crazy dates or strange, funny or sad things that happen to them.
  • Discovery News- this is just different videos about new discoveries going on in the world and just informing on various sciencey type things like electric cars, cave formations, meteorites, and new animal species.
  • President Obama's Weekly Address- just like it sounds. This actually began with Obama actually having a weekly video podcast before he got into office. Now I don't think he has time for that. This seems to be more general talks he gives that are turned into a podcast but it helps me stay somewhat informed which otherwise I would not be.
  • 60 Second Earth- another sciencey one that are each only a min. long and are usually having something to do with being "green" like Smart Grid energy or carbon dioxide from cars.
  • Coffee Break Spanish- I only recently discovered this one and I have only listened to it like twice, but it is what it sounds like. A 15 min Spanish lesson on varying topics. There is a teacher and a student and time to repeat. I am sure I sound pretty crazy to my roommates!
  • Stuff You Missed in History Class- this is my second favorite to listen to. It is two women sharing information on history topics that were either not talked about in high school history or were glossed over. Things like The Great Wall of China, Blood Diamonds, Easter Island, and Did the Chinese Reach America before Columbus did?
Those are the major ones I listen to. When I say listen to, I mean that I listen when I can but I am typically behind. I have like 12 Coffee Breaks to listen to, 6 History class, etc. I really enjoy them though when I get the chance and they are great to listen to in the car on trips. I might start saving up for spring break!

My most favorite podcast ever is called Stuff You Should Know. It is put on by 2 guys, Chuck and Josh, who are really clever and funny and typically inform their audience about sometimes obscure, but always interesting things. They are usually things that I did not even know there was more to know about. Here are some of the ones I have listened to recently:
  • How Albert Einstein's brain worked- this was the first one I ever listened to
  • How comas work
  • How flirting works- a very funny one
  • How to survive a plane crash- really helpful, especially if you watch Lost and get a little paranoid about flying
  • Why is it so hard to say "toy boat" three times fast
  • How going over Niagara Falls works
The list goes on. Typically the podcast starts out with a silly intro that leads into the main discussion. They share stories from their lives that connect to the topic but also give scientific or historic facts to back them up. I really have learned a lot and I love hearing what they have to say.

I know you are thinking, aren't you in grad school? How do you have time for this? Well I do take breaks sometimes, but I like to listen to these while I do the dishes or pick up my room or get ready in the morning. It gives me something entertaining and yet is somewhat educational. I love it!