I know I just wrote that I would not write much about what is going on in Chile on here but I cannot help but share this amazing news! We received an email yesterday that told the following from some of our missionary friends in Santiago:

"After several days of trying to communicate with the brethren there we were able to make contact and learned that not one single member of the churches was killed or has disappeared!"

They suffered damages to their homes and are in need of food and clothing and other necessities but they are alive and for that I praise God. If anyone is interested in helping monetarily or through donations let me know and I can direct you to the right places. If anything please keep praying for the Chilean people and the Christians who are looking to serve.

Our team mentor shared this verse with us today and I think it is a peaceful reminder in a world of chaos and unrest.

Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him,
for he shields them all day long,
and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders
Deuteronomy 33:12