I have never been very much into the "God book" thing. For a long time I felt like I needed to be so I would try to read them and then get frustrated because someone who had no idea who I was, was trying to tell me how to live my faith. Isn't that what the Bible is for? Plus who are they to know what is the right way to live. I would have much rather re-read Harry Potter, To Kill A Mockingbird or a Francine Rivers book. I still love reading those but I am slowly being brought into the world of "God books."

The first good one I read was probably The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis but I think it started when I read Wild At Heart by John Eldredge last summer and I could not put it down. I loved the things he had to say because they were simple and applicable and useful. They were not judgemental, prideful, or so deep it hurt my brain just reading a few pages (Mere Christianity.)

It was a while after that before I picked up another "God book." I think I am cautious about which ones I read because I am pretty easily swayed to someones opinion if they can argue it well and I do not see anything wrong with it. Because of this I do not just want to read any Christian authors book because who knows what they could stand for. But after hearing from tons and tons of people how good Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller was, I took my month after surgery time of laying around a lot and read it also. It was great and it gave me some good things to think about. Plus it really made me want to go live in the woods with some hippies for a month or two. I cant wait to read his other books!

Now I am onto my newest "God book" called The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. As a campus ministry team we decided to read it and talk it through together this summer. I had never heard of it but I went along with it anyways. Before we started reading I made sure we would read it together so I did not have to do it at home (knowing myself) but after reading the first chapter together I cannot wait to read ahead. There is no way for me to say anything as good as he does so you have to read it for yourself but man it is just hitting on all the things I am thinking about right now in relation to missions. I am so excited I will probably go read after I am done here.

So, I do not think anyone has to read "God books" to be a good Christian and I believe the Bible is amazing in itself, but there are a few good authors out there who are trying to stretch us and could possibly help me shape my own beliefs. I am sure I will be blogging about things I read because I already know there is a quote in chapter 4 that I cannot wait to get to!