My life has changed quite a bit in the last few days. I am still dealing with being back in the US when I would rather be in Chile. It won't make much sense to most people, but I just do not feel like I fit here. I feel out of place. When I am here for a long time I start to settle back in but as soon as I leave and come back the feeling returns but in a strange way I want the out of place feeling to stay.

Anyways, I started my new job yesterday. I am officially a new Starbucks Barista. Sounds fancy huh? I am really just training right now but I did successfully make one Mocha Frappachino with whipped cream. Woot! It was quite nerve racking though as the customer is waiting for their order and I am praying I got the right amount of everything in it. Mostly right now training consists of reading this super thick binder and talking with the manager. But I learn better by doing and not reading so hopefully I will get some good practice in.

The big change right now is that I have a lot more free time. I worked yesterday (Wednesday) but I do not work again until Saturday! Woah! What the heck am I supposed to do? I guess this is what I wanted but I am going to have to be careful that I do not waste my time away and forget the purpose of quitting Interlink and starting at Starbucks. The purpose was to free up my time to do more ministry.

Well right now Rob and a lot of the teens are out of town on a trip so I will probably start more work with them next week. I miss them so much. Also, I have Tuesdays set aside for campus ministry work but other than that day I still don't really know what to do. When I am confident in my ministry (like with the teens) I am much better at doing things on my own but I still feel a little lost in campus ministry.

Today so far I slept till 9:30 (I stayed up late talking with the roomie about missions). I got up, made coffee (my free pound a week from Starbucks) and ate some cereal. I iced my knee (worked it super hard yesterday and it was swollen) and finished Harry Potter #4. Now It is 11:20am and I need to plan out my day so I don't waste it. Here is my plan:

1. Lay out in the sun and spend some quite time with God.
2. Go get my oil changed and while waiting call people in our campus ministry to see how they are doing.
3. Go order Harry Potter #7 at Barnes and Noble.
4. Eat lunch.
5. Come home and decide what to teach this summer for my girls Bible study and work on a lesson for next week.
6. idea what to do next.

Lets hope I can stick to that plan and that it will fill up my day. Then, what am I going to do tomorrow? Luckily Meredith is coming in to town so she can keep me busy until my teens get back.