About every 6 months I start thinking "man I'm ready for it to cool off," or "I am so ready for warm weather." It never fails. Ask me one season and I will tell you it is my favorite but by the time the next season rolls around I have a new favorite. It is not because I cannot make up my mind but because I love the changing of the seasons. They all have something so wonderful about them that I just cannot choose. I might hurt one of their feelings. ;)

Winter means hot tea, house shoes, poofy vests and my Patagonia fleece. Winter means fires in the fireplace, holidays, live Texans games and the exciting possibility of snow. Only during winter does it make sense to watch the movie Elf (I do it other times of the year but it just isn't the same). I love snuggling in the winter!

Go Texans!

Spring means new life, budding trees, and my birthday. Spring is when we come out of hibernation from the winter months and being to play outside again. Spring means warm sun on my pasty skin and the chance to wear skirts again. I love laying in the grass in the spring.

B-day, skirt, outside and pasty skin!

Summer means shorts, t-shirts and chaco tan lines. Summer means homemade ice cream, bright colors and swimming in the river. Summer makes me feel like a kid and even though I still have responsibilities, everything just seems a little bit more fun and I want to stay up a little bit later. I love baseball games on a warm summer night.

Night baseball game with BFF

Fall means seeing my breath in the cold air for the first time in a while, cold air that tastes and feels fresh and clean. Fall means changing leaves (in some places anyways), wearing my boots and fleece vests and carving pumpkins. Only when it starts to cool off do soups taste so yummy. I love camping in the fall.

Beautiful trees in Colorado

Ok, so I could go on and on. I love what each season brings and I don't know that I can choose a favorite. What I really love is the change. I am so thankful for changing seasons. They keep things fresh and new. I think if it was always summer or always spring I would not appreciate summer or spring but because I get renewed every few months I get to fall in love with the quirks of each season all over again.

Fall, I welcome you! You came at the perfect time as always.