This blog is devoted to my wonderful, amazing, brilliant, beautiful roommate Kelli who is no longer my roommate. She moved out a few weeks ago but she moved away this morning. Sad! I had the most AMAZING time living with her and was blessed so much by her friendship. I could go on and on with sappy stories about her but I wont.

The roommates- what a blessed year

We had a surprise party for her last night and it went better than planned because we actually got to hide and then jump out at her and everything (in 2 waves even). Way to go Shannon! We had a great turnout for a last minute party and it was so fun to hang out one last time with Kelli and friends. We laughed, ate delicious Kaylynn made brownies, and told fun stories.

Hiding in Shannon's kitchen

Joanna being sneaky and calling Kelli to see where she was

Silly guys hiding in the closet

Others hiding in Shannon's room- they were the second wave

Most of the party minus a few

Speaking of telling stories, I think I will share a few of my favorite Kelli stories, most of which have probably been previously blogged about so forgive the repeat.

  • Our first night in our new house with just the two of us. Kelli is out. I am roach hunting (aka waiting for Kelli to come home) with toothbrush in mouth when Kelli walked in and saved the night.
  • Our second night together, wondering what Alley was curious about under the shelf I pulled back the curtain and out ran a mouse. I jumped on a chair and Kelli fell down and the mouse ran over her!
  • Camping, the whole trip. But mainly having the tent blow away with us in it and then cramming everything wet into the car and "sleeping" almost sitting up.
  • Going to church with her and meeting so many new wonderful people.
  • Walks.
  • Watching and quoting 30 Rock with all the roomies.
  • Annoying Alley the cat together.
  • Making nasty cornbread by mixing up baking soda and baking powder. I still don't understand those names.
Basically I love Kelli and all the time we had together even when she was my RA. I hope and pray that your time in Oxford is amazing and I know it will be. Can't wait to see where we all end up. Meeting in Africa right girls?