I made it!! I am safely back in Texas and have been here a couple of days. My bags are finally unpacked and I have even started going through some of the many boxes crammed in my closet here. The Goodwill around here is very lucky. My dad has already taken TWO LOADS for me.

My sorting goes something like this.

I start off asking "Do I want to take this to Chile?" If the answer is yes yes, it goes in one pile.

If the answer is no this I ask "but do I want to get rid of it?"

If the answer is no, it goes in a box in my closet again.

If the answer is yes it goes to Goodwill!

It may not seem like a good system but it is working for me. I am already a few boxes less. Simple is the way to go people.

I love cleaning out my stuff. I mean yea the teddy bear I got for some unknown reason 10 years ago is cute but wouldn't it have a better life with some poor child than gathering dust in my room. Yes!

On another note, the travel to get back to Texas to go through all my stuff was great. I won't bore you with the details but here are a few pics to tell the story. St. Louis was a lot of fun and our time was filled with eating, watching football, playing games, playing wiibuilding fires and visiting the arch. Good times.

Building Fires

Playing Wii- showing our dancing skills

At the Arch

Pod to go up in the Arch

Beautiful at night