Colorado influence me to become a recycler and I really love it. I feel like I am at least doing something. It was an easier process in CO because you just had a bin in your house that you piled high and did not sort and then left it out with the trash every other week. Not a bad deal.

Here in Abilene it is a little harder to recycle but not a problem at all. I just have a trash can in my house labeled recycle and we put our stuff in there and then when it gets full I take it to the Walmart parking lot where they have bins. We do not sort in our house in order to keep from having 5 trash cans so I sort when I get there.

Well I have a very nice surprise when I dropped the recycle off today. When I pulled up I could tell something was different but didn't think too much about it. So I went in order and did the paper, glass, metal cans, aluminum and then I came to plastic and guess what I saw!!! A new container!! And not just a new container but a bigger one and (this is the real kicker) all of the plastics can go into one bin AND they are now not only accepting plastics #1 and #2 but #1 THROUGH #6. I just could not believe it. There were some other people dropping off their stuff and I showed them the new differences and they were happy but I think they thought I was strange for being so excited.

In my mind this new change means two things. One, so many people were recycling that they needed a bigger bin for the plastics that most of the time were overflowing. Two, they are being more conscious of recycling and opening it up to us to be able to recycle even more materials. Hooray for Texas being earth-thoughtful!

This new addition to our recycling bins made my Walmart trip just a little bit better. I cant wait to start recycling almost all of the plastics!