XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

I saw this on someone else's blog and thought it was a great idea. (the pic links to her blog if you want to check it out) It has been a few days since I have blogged and I was looking for something encouraging to write about. So what am I thankful for on this Tuesday?

1. My jobs. I have one job that lets me work when I want and take off when I want. It may not be the most exciting but I am thankful to have anything. I also am so blessed to be cleaning houses for some random people. It is a little extra money for work that I enjoy. It is nice after studying or whatever to go to a quiet house and just do some manual labor for a couple of hours.

2. Abilene in the summer. I have been so surprised how much fun being here in the summer can be. I am blessed to have so many good friends around me to hang out with, be encouraged by, and laugh with.

3. The YMCA. I have posted a couple of times about my Y adventures but I am just so glad to have a membership there. Not only do I get a good workout that makes me feel good, I also get to meet some really fun people.

4. My roommate Shannon. It is just the 2 of us this summer and she has been so wonderful to have around. We have laughed a lot, cried together, moped together, worked out together, watched some movies and read together. I am going to miss her when she is gone for 2 weeks and I am all alone!

5. The internet. I know it sounds like a strange thing to be thankful for but I have been having so much fun lately keeping up with friends who are in different places around the country and world that I would not be able to keep up with otherwise. Blogs are just so fun to read, especially when they have pictures! :)

6. Dr. Pepper. Another simple one but I just love that drink. I tried to quit a few weeks back but I just don't know what I was thinking. I know it is not good for you but man it is so yummy, especially from Sonic!

7. The sun. I know the sun makes it super hot but I really am enjoying the warm weather. I love the feeling of the sun on my skin when I am outside. I also love that the sun makes my plants grow! I have some pretty plants outside my house and I love taking care of them. The could not grow without the sun.

8. My bike. Gas prices are stinkin' high and even though I do not ride anywhere too far on my bike it does save me some gas. I can ride it to the grocery store or to some friend's houses or to clean house, where most of these places would take a while to travel to if I was walking but the bike makes it faster and its a good workout. Actually, my butt does not get sore in cycling class at the Y because it is used to riding my regular bike everyday. I am thankful for anything that helps one more place on my body not be sore.

9. Long time friends. I have a couple friends in my life that I have known for many years and you are wonderful to me. Mandy and Ash I have known you since birth and I love having that history with you and the commitment to keep in touch living in different places. BFF Lauren you are the bestest friend a girl could have. Come back from Hawaii. Randi and Jenee yall don't read this but you experienced the best semester of college with me in Uruguay and we had some crazy fun times together. I am so glad we have kept up and I cannot wait to be in your wedding Jenee. Mere I have known you since we were freshman and I appreciate your loving heart and commitment to me.

10. Last but not least, my mission team. All of us but one (miss you J) are here for the summer and we have so much fun together. I love swimming with the Lukkasons, playing games, cooking together and just hanging out. I am specifically thankful for the ladies on the team and our commitment to each other and our spiritual lives. I love all of you and am so blessed to be going to Chile with yall. I would not want to go with anyone else.

I have so much to be thankful for. This is barely the beginning of the list. What are you thankful for?