Three things I am thankful for tonight:

1. I am thankful to be in a town and involved with a community with such amazing people. Today was a very peopley day and I loved it. No where else but in college can you have so many people in or around the same place in life as you living in such close proximity with the time to spend with each other. It is just so amazing!

2. I am thankful for friends being concerned about my friends and family who are about to be hit by the hurricane. I have not been in a hurricane since I was like 3 but they really kinda freak me out. The fear may be somewhat irrational and it is spurred on by me watching the Weather Channel too much, but I am thankful people put up with me and check up on me knowing that I am worried but trying to hide it. They are just so destructive. I cannot even imagine the chaos in Cuba right now.

3. I am thankful for my house. I have amazing, caring, fun, roommates and such a wonderful house. We have everything we need and so so much more. We have a place to sleep, eat, study, and laugh. We can be hospitable to our friends and provide a place to hangout and be in community. The house has its quirks but that makes life interesting.

I could not be more blessed right now. Sometimes it is easy to think about what I don't have or what could make life better, and I forget how amazing my life is and how much I need to be sharing with others because of that.