Today is a THUPER EXTHITING (written with a lisp) day for many reasons! First, tonight is the season finale of the third season of Lost. It is going to be a two hour episode and I cannot wait to see what happens. I am not sure if I have ever anticipated a show so much...not even Friends! Thoughts running through my head are "who is Jacob, who else is going to die, what is the shocking ending they will leave us with, where the heck is Charlie, is Locke dead, and will Kate and Jack choose each other?" We will see in less than 6 hours. Yea!The second reason I am thuper exthited is because it is my second to last day of work at my first "real job." I am very ready to go and get started on what is coming next but there is a little sadness. They have been super good to me and they even gave me a little gift today. I will miss the students but they can come visit me at Starbucks who I am going to sign papers with tomorrow. Despite what a good job it has been I am ready to move on and hopefully find a job that fits me better than an office job.
The third reason I am thuper exthited today is because in less than 48 hours I will be on a plane to Miami to being my trip to South America. I know I have talked about this a lot but it seems so unreal. I am pretty well prepared and ready to have my packing talk with Ellen tomorrow. I cannot wait to see my friends, sing, speak and hear Spanish and see where I might live in the future. It has been almost two years since I have been down there and that is way too long for me! (You can see where Bolivia and Chile are on the map below.)
Tho, once again this is a thuper exthing day and I am having trouble sitting still. Please pray for our trip to SA and I know I will have a huge update when I get back.