and I am a tooth brushing multitasker. Whew! That feels good to get off my chest. :) I am being silly, but really I am. I hate just standing in the bathroom looking at myself brushing for 3 min. "What a waste of time," I think to myself. I tend to try to find anything to do so I am not just standing there. Let me illustrate.

Not all occasions are as crazy as this one but here is an extreme example. Yesterday morning I was brushing my teeth and looked up at the attic door on the roof next to the bathroom. I noticed that I had not put the screws back on the door from the last time I went up there. We screw it shut to keep the hot air out. So what do I do while brushing my teeth? I went and got a kitchen chair and stood on it and screwed the screws back in.

Seems like a good use of my time right? What actually happened though because screwing screws is a two hand job I ended up standing there just holding my tooth brush in my mouth, not brushing so actually I was not helping myself at all. After I finished with the screws and remembered I was brushing my teeth I told myself how ridiculous I was being. The screws were not urgent and it is not even that I am so task oriented that I want to get as much done as possible. I am fine with wasting time, just not while brushing my teeth.

Typically I am not as bad as that (I hope I am not getting worse), but really I cannot brush my teeth and do much else because I have to brush with my right hand and do most other things with my right hand too. Sometimes I come and try and do stuff on the computer. I start out trying to do things left handed or try to brush left handed but before I know it I am sitting there with a tooth brush just hanging out of my mouth and me not brushing.

This is not a new thing in my life. I still remember walking around the house as a kid and my mom telling me to go back to the bathroom. Back then I did not try to accomplish things as much, I just would rather wander. The best is trying to have a conversation and as the toothpaste gets bubblier and bubblier I get harder and harder to understand until it spills out and I have to run to the bathroom!

I am not the only one this happens to. My roommates can say they do the same thing sometimes. I just need to figure out what tasks I can do while brushing and which I cant and yet it is not really about using my time wisely. It is just about not wanting to just stand in the bathroom while I brush. Where does that come from?