Some fellow LOST friends shared with me recently the fun game they played as they watched multiple seasons on DVD before being currently caught up. The constantly had their Top 5 characters and as those characters died or new ones were introduced (both of which happen often), they could change their list.

I was asked my Top 5 and I was not sure. I have had my top 1 for a while but 5 is tough. This list you are about to read has taken some serious thought to compose but here are my (drum roll please)


5. Miles- I love his sarcasm and interesting interaction with his father (everyone has Daddy issues on this show)

4. Ben- I know he is "bad" but he is probably the most fascinating character

3. Sun- Yes, she cheated on her husband but these last few seasons she has proved her awesomeness and toughness, she may even be tougher than Kate- I might have to rename my car Sun...

2. Desmond- I love this Brother and his love story with Penny

1. Hurley- I just want to hug him and hang out with him

Do not think I am not pulling for the main characters (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, etc.) or even that I do not like them but these less main characters are almost more interesting sometimes. I love all the interactions though and hope the show becomes more character based this season as it was in the first season.

I will let these sit for a bit and maybe revisit my list as the season progresses.

For you non-LOST fans I promise to start writing about others things. The excitement of the week is still fresh. :)