In a previous blog I listed some of my favorite things. So here is a list of some of my least favorite things. If you do some of them I forgive you. I do some of them too.
1. Opening CD's
2. Wasting food
3. Stereotypes
4. Smelling bad
5. Hate
6. Picky eaters
7. Rustling paper/plastic during a movie
8. Slow talkers
9. Closed mindedness
10. Spiders
11. Scary movies
12. Politics
13. Most "classic" literature
14. Only drinking bottled water
15. Materialism
16. Studying
17. Hunting and guns
18. Global warming
19. Arguing
20. Back seat drivers
21. Lying
22. Driving on ice
23. Fire drills
24. Un-Adventurism
25. Hummers
26. Water park bathrooms
27. Salt water
28. Cars that don't signal
29. Vacuuming
30. The GRE
31. Super abstract art that I could do myself
32. Hurricanes
33. When the house smells after cooking
34. Degrading rap music
35. Too much PDA
36. Songs that repeat the same words over and over
37. Daily credit card apps in the mail
I keep thinking of new ones so feel free to add to the list if you have any!