Title got your attention? Ha! Well I am not talking about the typical porn that you think of, or shouldn't think of, but something that can cause just as much pain and trouble. Chick Flicks. That’s right, chick flicks. What could be wrong with an innocent girly love movie? Lots!

I am just as guilty as any other girl but didn't realize it until recently, especially tonight. My roommate gave these movies this name and the truth of it really hit me. While I have no desire to look at pictures of naked men, watching a movie about romance can get to me. It puts thoughts and images in my head that are unrealistic. Thoughts that make me feel undesirable and lonely. Thoughts that turn me into a girl so picky that no one is good enough because they did not say lines like "You complete me," "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible," ""You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love and love and love you," or "As you wish."

Instead of focusing on the realities in my life (which are wonderful) I find myself day dreaming about a different one, an exciting one, and a romantic one. This is weird because I do not consider myself a romantic girl, but who doesn't want to be swept off their feet by the man of their dreams. Instead of honoring God with my thoughts I am selfish with them. Instead of trying to be the woman of Proverbs 31 I try to be the women of LOST or Hitch. That is not what God desires for me. That is not what I desire of myself!

So what now? How do I purify my mind of this Hollywood representation of love so that when I see real love I know it or when I see a real "Prince Charming" I don't miss him? I really do not watch that many chick flicks but those thoughts and stories are in my head. What is scary is that some people do not realize this problem. Not saying I am better because I do, but it is so sneaky and so subtle that it is easy to miss. I feel like our society is SO affected by what Hollywood tells us is the way to live (skinny, sexy, witty, etc.) and it makes for so many issues. Especially when I have worked with teens and I think of my sweet girls and the things they watch. They have no idea what harm can come from it. So women, please guard your hearts and minds.

I must admit though, tonight me and 2 awesome friends had a girls night. We had pizza, cheesecake, talked about body images (great food for the topic of course), and watched Becoming Jane. Although I have never read a Jane Austen book I have seen the movies and appreciate the stories. This movie was beautiful, terribly sad and very realistic. It sheds light on why she wrote what she did and makes me really want to read her works. The movie does not have a "Hollywood ending" which makes for a tear jerker but a view of reality when it comes to love.