I am back in Abilene and Spring Break is officially over for me. I need to study pretty hard the next 3 days since, surprise surprise, I did not study much in Colorado. I did have an amazing time though. I got to be in awe, once again, at the beautiful snow capped mountains, hang out with my great friends, go snowshoeing (see blog below), and catch up on some sleep. As much as I know all of you would like for me to go through my week word for word, I just don't feel like it. So here are some highlights.

--Sunday night I got to hang out with the Golden crowd, eat some good food and watch the beautiful snow fall. The snow was perfect packing snow so we had a great snow ball fight. I actually think that was my first real one since being in CO. But I recommend using gloves.

--I got to hang out with my old roommate and we caught up and laughed really loud together. She is even louder than me. She is getting married in June and I really hope I can go back for it.

--I stopped by the natural food store and it was amazing. The food was way interesting, but way expensive so I only picked up a few of my favorites. My favorite honey, favorite Boulder chips, favorite cereal. Then I found the hot tea isle. I think there was a glowing light around it with angels singing because it is so amazing. They had more teas to try than I had ever heard of, including my favorite by Celestial Seasonings that I can find no where else. I am now set on tea for a while.

--I hung out and did campus ministry stuff one day and got to see some of the students I worked with and got to meet some new ones too.

--Laughed SUPER hard when my old boss led a little devo for the campus ministry kids and the ACU campaigners who came up. He is kinda wild and takes a while getting used to. For a glimpse, he owns a construction company called Steel Erection. He likes to tell people that and watch them giggle.

--I spent some time walking around my old town and the best place to live ever, Golden, looking at the new stuff, studying in the coffee shops, and loosing sight of why I live in Abilene.

--One of my favorite times, next to snowshoeing, was Sunday morning at church. How wonderful it is to walk into church and see so many people who love you and have missed you. It really feels like a church family. I miss that. A guy on the missions committee even told me they have been praying for my team. I didn't even ask them too! It is time for me to change churches.

Wow, that was not a short summary of my week but there were just too many good times to choose from. The drive home was alright and I made it in record time, 11 and 1/2 hrs with only 3 stops. Seriously amazing. I got home in time for LOST and was reminded why I watch it in a group. Creepy!!!!!! Can't wait for the new episodes on April, 24 (4 days after my bday by the way).