So maybe I am not cut out for this grad school stuff. I just spent an entire day, that was supposed to be devoted to studying, doing not much. I slept in, rode my bike to the grocery store, did some stuff around the house and then discovered quarterlife. I might be behind the times, but I have heard a little about it from friends and got sucked in today. It was more of an "I don't feel like studying" moment and that moment turned into the rest of my day! Ahhh! Tomorrow is a serious studying day now.

But this show. Has anyone seen it? I guess it started out as an internet tv show and it has now moved to NBC. The basis is a girl video blogging and then just the lives of her and her friends who are in their 20's. Hence the name quarterlife. The characters are pretty normal looking people with normal lives, and yet it is still so interesting. Probably just because it is about people my age and I can some what connect. They do lead a little bit wilder life than I do, but they are going through the "what the heck am I doing with my life" stage. After college but still somewhat connected to the parents. Parts are funny, parts are sad, parts I cannot relate to, but some parts are dead on!

Not that I have no idea what I am doing with my life because amazingly I do have somewhat of a plan. Right now I am doing grad school and then it is off to Chile to do mission work. But other parts of my life are just up in the air and I have no idea what to expect. My "love life" is non existent, as usual, and I am still wrestling with who I am and who I want to be. I desire independence but am still dependent on my parents, especially being back in school, and I am ok with that. Some days I love myself and my life, other days not so much.

It is a weird time in life and yet it is amazing! I love being in my 20's! I am an adult and have responsibilities but can still be a kid and be silly and do stupid stuff. All this to say, quarterlife is interesting. It is kinda like an update and twist on Friends...but not as funny.