I have not been blogging a ton lately with school and activities filling my time but I thought I would share what have I been up to.
Two weeks ago I took a trip home to see my parents and brother and sis-in-law. We had a super chill weekend because my mom was sick so we just hung around, watched movies, played games, watched football and chatted. I got some good mom time laying with her on the bed when she didn't feel like doing anything else.
This past weekend I spent the weekend at a retreat at Lake Brownwood. The retreat was called Module Two and it was a part of my missions training. So me, my team, a couple other teams and our mentors spent the weekend together. This retreat was focused on relationships. We went through the DISC personality test and talked about each of our personalities a lot and the importance of really knowing each other. We also got to discuss where we stood on certain theological issues to see where we were on the same page, where we weren't and what was important.
It was an intense, full, and amazing weekend. We had a ton of team time and I feel very self aware after thinking about my personality compared to others all weekend. I love my team so much and am so thankful to be on this journey together.
At this retreat we celebrated two things. First, that a year ago we first met the Lukkasons. I drove down to Abilene from Colorado and them from Oklahoma and we spent a weekend together getting to know each other and feeling each other out to see if it would be a good fit. Only by God did it work out and work out well. I am so thankful for them and the important roles the play on our team. Second, it was the first real team activity that we had done as a fully formed and committed team. We had done other things missing a few or before others made decisions not to be on the team so this was a first.
What do I like to do to celebrate things? Cookie Cakes!!!! You can see from the picture that it was delicious and I know you are drooling with jealousy! :) On the cookie is the Chilean flag (very similar to the Texas flag you will notice), the words "Hooray Team Conce" which is our name, and a poorly drawn, yet quite successful with icing, picture of Chile (the long skinny thing on the rt. side).Other small things I have been up to have been watching The Office, enjoying the cool weather we had last week, buying a new red fleece for winter, and trying not to loose hope in the Houston Texans. I know they have won their last 2 games but after the first 4 I just cannot trust in them yet. I know that sounds so corny but its true! I need some time to heal before our relationship can be normal again since they ripped my heart out (and their own I'm sure) in the Colts game. (being a little dramatic if you can't tell).
I am not sure what to do about the election. I keep saying I will do some research to make up my mind and yet the closest I have come to watching any of the debates has been Saturday Night Live skits. I want to take advantage of my right to vote but I cannot with confidence put either man in office w/o fear of what may occur because of them. Which is more important? Exercising my right to vote or picking someone I somewhat trust. Please do not take this as an opportunity to push your political views on my easily swayed mind, I'm just rambling.
Last, I want to share my excitement of my surprise this evening. I got a call from an unknown number and was unavailable when it rang. When I listened to the message my heart dropped. My friend Cris who is a missionary in Brazil called and I did not answer it! Dang it! I went on a bike ride with a roomie and came back and sent a message to Cris saying I would LOVE for her to call me back AND SHE DID! It was so fun to hear her voice and hear how she was doing all the way in Brazil! Cris I am so thankful to have you and your example in my life and I was so excited to get a call from you. I am praying for you and cannot wait to see what God has planned for you.
That's All Folks! I leave you with this cute picture of the roomies and our first puzzle together. Oh, and Happy Halloween! Go carve a pumpkin!