Ok, I know probably no one wants to hear about the spider attack on my house but I hate them and need to vent a bit more. My kill count is up to seven out of nine that I have seen in the last week. I am super proud of this count because it has taken all the bravery inside of me to kill these stupid little guys.

Three of these happened last night when I got home and you can ask Lauren, it was not a quiet event. I have to work myself up and scream a lot (my battle cry) and it makes it a little less scary. Another kill happened the other night after I went to bed with no spider sightings. I woke up about 30 min after going to sleep and looked up and there was one about a foot above my head on the wall. I JUMPED out of bed and paced around the room for about 10 min. before I gathered the courage to pound it to death. There are shoe marks on the wall for proof. Once I was sure it was dead I sat on my bed shaking and crying. It was not a restful night.

I talked to my mom and she said we should get our house sprayed but my roommate said it is normal for summer time around here and it sucks and you just have to deal with it. I am not dealing with it well. After finding the one above my head I have not slept well because I wake up a lot and scan the room for any spiders around. I even woke up and felt a tickle on my foot and I threw myself out of bed but found nothing there.

I was hoping that maybe after seeing all these spiders and successfully killing a lot of them that the Pavlovian theory of Systematic Desensitization might kick. So far, no luck. What am I supposed to do?!?! Seriously bugs love to infest where I live. In my first apartment in Abilene Lauren and I had a swarm of about 100 flies in our house at one time and we had to kill them all. So gross! Then in our second house in Abilene, about two weeks before we moved out the house exploded with termites. I am not joking. I came home one day and there were THOUSANDS of termites all over my bedroom floor and crawling out of the walls. Lets just say, I was not calm about it. Lauren thought someone had died when I called her. And now I have got spiders. My mom reminded me that she has never seen a spider jump on someone or go after them to attack (my fears) and most are not poisonous. She also reminded me that there will be bugs to deal with everywhere (even in Chile, sad), so I just need to toughen up. I'm trying!!!! : (