I am the type of person that loves to question and wonder about things. But I also like for there to be mystery and I like that so much of the world and God I do not understand. Sometimes, I get to thinking about all of these things and I have trouble sleeping at night. These are some of the things I ponder about and some of them just blow my mind!

How do bridges stay up?

Who decided there would be 5280 feet in a mile and why?

How do mountains form so slowly? ( I want to see it happen)

How long is forever?

Why am I so blessed?

How do they get the grass lines so straight on baseball fields?

How do airplanes stay up?

How do our conversations go between phones?

Light years?

Where does wind come from?

Do we all see color the same?

How big is the universe?

What was Jesus like as a kid?

Do we like different foods because they taste different to people or we just like different tastes?

How does it feel to get tackled by an NFL player in NFL pads?

Would I be a Christian if I was born somewhere else?

And my all time favorite...where is the internet?

Now I am sure there are real explanations for some of these things but I kinda like not knowing. And also I know some of these cannot be understood by us and that is cool too. Any other good ponderings out there?