I am trying to have deeper thoughts (inspired by Donald Miller) so here is my first try. Today while doing my usual activity of laying out the couch and watching TV to rest and elevate I watched an interesting episode of Grey's Anatomy. Anyone who watches it has probably seen it and those who don't watch it please don't judge because I do. The characters in this show lead very immoral lives but this particular episode was very focused on spirituality, the belief in something bigger than ourselves and why we celebrate the holidays. There were two quotes that I just loved and wanted to share.
The first one was yelled by Izzy at the guy who she loves but he cheated on her. She came to help him study for his exams and when asked why she screamed "Cause it's what Jesus would FREAKING do!" Part of me thinks that this is very big of her to put herself aside and help someone she does not want to help. But the other part says if we are not serving in love then is it what Jesus would do? Every time Jesus served he did it out of love for those who were unloved. Obviously we fall short of everything Jesus did, so what do we do if we are in Izzy's situation. Is it serving for Jesus if we hate the person? I think it might still be, because we are told to love our enemies and this love is not going to be a feeling but something we should strive show in our actions. So love feeling or no love feeling, serve because it is what Jesus would FREAKING do!
The other quote was said by Dr. Burke to Cristina when they were struggling with a child whose heart transplant was not going well. "The way you’re feeling right now (out of control and no idea how to change it)… is why I have to believe in something bigger than me. Because if I didn’t, that powerlessness would eat me alive. " What a great statement by someone who does not necessarily hold Christian views or values, but considers himself spiritual. We are not followers of Jesus to make our lives easier to to have someone to solve our problems for us, but we do have the peace and blessing of knowing that there is someone else who has a lot more control than we do. Yes Satan is the ruler of our world but God has power over Satan and can work miracles that we sometimes cannot even believe ourselves. Even if we are leading hard lives because we are followers of Christ (and we should be) we can find comfort that there is something bigger than us so we do not have to take care of everything ourselves.
Whew, after all that thinking I should probably head back to the couch. : )