If you have been a reader for a while you might remember a post called Not a Fix-it kinda girl . I tried and failed at fixing a few things around the house and had a pretty good laugh while doing it. I also learned some valuable lessons.

Well tonight I tried my hand at plumbing once again (I know, I'm living the high life, plumbing on a Friday night. It's ok to admit it. You wish you were me.)and this time I was successful! Hooray! Our bathroom sink was just not draining and I could not take it any longer. I am too cheap to buy drain-o and too proud to call the landlord so I attempted to clean out the u-shaped pipe. It was quite full and gross.

I tried the water (with a cup under the open pipe, thank you very much) and it was still not draining. Boo. So I got my trusty pliers and started messing around with the drain thingy up top. I got it all cleaned up (as best as you can in an old house lived in by who knows how many people- I try to not think about things like that) and was able to see some progress in how quickly the water went down.

The sink may not be 100% but at least it is draining much better. All in a hard days work. :)

You have to be an amazing person to be a plumber. I think I will stick to baking and reading.